3 Cards per Pack
8 Packs per Box
16 Boxes per Case
2021-22 Synergy boasts a 125-cardBase Setfeaturing veterans, legends and rookies (regular and SP). The veterans and legends are #d to just 12, and the rookies are #d to just 22!
o Collect bothRedandPurpleparallels of the completeBase Set. Fifty-percent of theRedparallel cards feature a bounty scratch-off code and collecting the completeRedparallel set could earn you amazing bounty award cards. More info below. All of thePurpleparallel cards are #d to 99 or less and many will feature an autograph.
o Also keep an eye out forRed,PurpleandPurple Autoparallels of theBase Set Rookie SPcards, as well asPortraitandAuto Portraitvariations (also withRedandPurpleparallels).
TheSynergy FXinsert set is back! These bright Light FX cards featuring veterans and rookies are popular with everyone – from casual fans to serious collectors. Collect a variety of colorful parallels (Orange,Purple,GreenandGold). Many of theGreenandGoldparallel cards feature an autograph. AllSynergy FXcards are serial-#d and allGoldparallel cards are 1-of-1s!
Expanded Offering!TheExceptional acetate insert set returns with a significantly expanded parallel lineup. This set is comprised ofStar, Phenom(non-rookie standouts 25-years-old or younger) andFuture(rookies) subsets. There are seven parallels, four of which are #d to 99 or less – highlighted by the 1-of-1Goldparallel.
New Insert Sets!The latest edition of Synergy features three new insert sets:
o Star of the Show: Current superstars on patterned (Pillars of Light) foil board.
o Postseason Brilliance:Standout players from the 2021 postseason on patterned (Pillars of Light) foil board.
o Synergistic Duos:This set featuring two players from the same organization consists of three subsets: two current stars, one current star and one legend, and one current star and one rookie. Collect both theRedandGoldparallel sets as well. EverySynergistic Duoscard is serial-#d.
Chase the big hit,Cast for Greatness, featuring the leagues biggest superstars on anall-metaltrading card! Keep an eye out forCast for Greatness Signaturescards #d to just 25.
Expanded Offering, Pt. 2!TheRookie Journeyinsert set returns featuring three different chase cards (Draft, Home Uni, Away Uni) of each rookie in the checklist, as well as twoall-newparallels –Red(#d as low as 299) andGold(#d as low as 99)!
Look forSynergy Autographsinsert cards featuring veterans and rookies. Collect both the regular set and the serially-#dRedparallel set!
The Mission
Collect the complete 125-cardBase Set – Red Parallel Bountyset. Each box contains, on average,8Red parallel cards – half of which, on average, will feature a bounty scratch-off code. Redeem all bounty cards atUpperDeckBounty.comvia the entry of the scratch-off code.
Achievements to Earn
Once youve entered all 125 unique codes, you will earnCast for Greatness #36featuring Montreal Canadiens phenom Cole Caufield. As a bonus, those who complete this mission the fastest will have a shot to earn the following bonus achievementsin additionto the prized Caufield card:
First 5
The first five (5) collectors who collect & redeem the compete 125-cardBase Set – Red Parallel Bounty Setwill earn one (1)Cast For Greatness – Purple Parallel #36+ the complete 36-card Cast for Greatness– Gold Parallelset!
Next 5
The next five (5) collectors who collect & redeem the compete 125-cardBase Set– Red Parallel Bounty Setwill earn the complete 36-cardCast for Greatness – Gold Parallelset!
Redeem all bounty cards more information about the bounty program, visit the site on or after release date.
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