Called by the Conclaveis the third Chapter Pack in theSecrets of Oldtownexpansion cycle forA Game of Thrones: The Card Game. Featuring 60 never-before-seen cards cards three copies each of 20 unique cards designed to augment existing decks and add variety to theA Game of Thronesmetagame, this exciting expansion strengthens the Maesters further, as well as the Houses that the Conclave compels them to serve.
Introducing new characters to the LCG environment like Maester Murenmure and Galbart Glover, as well as a powerful new version of Magister Illyrio,Called by the Conclavewill add new dimensions to yourA Game of Thronesexperience. This Chapter Pack also features new additions to the developing Chain theme of attachments, including Lead Link and Tin Link – more tools to make your Maesters stronger and craftier than ever.
Called by the Conclaveadds more variety to each House’s arsenal, including support for House Targaryen’s Dragons, House Martell’s Sandsnakes, and a new Warship for House Greyjoy.
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