The banes — the worst, most nightmarish evils imaginable. Long ago, a powerful saint gathered together objects of evil power and buried them away so no one could ever use them. But concentrating that much evil in one place wasnota good idea, and now some of these unique malignant creatures, artifacts, and forces have been loosed upon the world. To bind them once again, you must brave the timelost Banewarrens.
This mega-adventure takes characters from 6th to 10th level. Uncover new monsters and magic, including dozens of foul banes like thePhylactery of Forsaken Souls.
ButThe Banewarrensis more than just rooms of evil creatures to bash: Its dynamic plot is full of intrigue and twists. Characters race against evil adventurers seeking to use the banes for their own gain. With every action they risk loosing even more malevolent forces upon an unsuspecting world. Some may call themselves their allies but, in the end, amid this deadly labyrinth both figurative and literal, who can they really trust?
The Banewarrensincludes new magic items, new monsters, and other tidbits — such as new poisons and diseases. It also builds on material found in the twoBooks of Eldritch Might.
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